This week we talked about sustainable housing. Sustainability is the act of maintaining how
the world is. We depend so much on our natural environment, whether it be
directly or indirectly. The most important factor of sustainability is to make
sure we have and will continue to have all the natural resources that the world
has always provided for us. Suitability affects everything around us including
social, economic and environmental factors.
This creates a harmony between humans and wild life.
A guest speaker came to our class and further discussed
sustainability. He went into more detail about how to build sustainable houses,
Energy Star Home and other green building ratings. One this that seemed very
interesting was that in Germany, they are capable of getting and most likely
have the same amount of cars as we do in the United States. However, more
people in Germany ride their bikes as a mean of transportation than drive their
cars. As a result, they are more fuel-efficient.
There are little changes everyone can do to help us sustain
our environment. They are cost efficient as well and in the long run, saves you
a lot of money. For instance, you can do something as little as changing the
type of light bulbs you use. If you want
to make a greater impact, since we’re so dependent on cars for transportation,
purchasing hybrid cars would help prevent pollution and climate changes. Small
changes can sooner lead to a big difference.
This is an article talking about how these climate changes
such as global warming have a huge negative effect on our well being. These climate
changes cause a huge risk for natural disasters. You may think you’re enjoying
the warm weather now, but in reality, it is not normal nor is it good for our